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Dores nas costas podem aumentar durante as férias
Almaderma - Farmácia de Manipulação

Back pain may increase during holidays
A lot of people go on vacation and end up forgetting some care with their own body and one of that is with their own spine.
Between your trips and playing with your children, it is possible that some wrong movement brings you some discomfort on your back and to prevent this, it is necessary special attention during certain movements.

Adults should be aware when practicing sports that are not in their routine, to get the luggage the spine should be straight and you must bend the knees, paying attention in the position you´re sitting while driving (especially in traffic jams and long periods ) not being in one position for too long so you do not overload the mechanical strength of the spinal muscles, being careful when playing with your children and when making sudden or repetitive movements.

Children should also be noted, that in the games and hours of video games and watching television, can be accommodated in a way that at least soften the impact on the column. And accidents can also be avoided, such as diving into water (dams or sea) that increases the rate of cervical injury, which may lead to quadriplegia.

"That's not to say that the holidays should be full of rules and restrictions, but some care is necessary, in future it is not transformed into a spinal injury, requiring a more intensive treatment or even surgical intervention" says Dr. Alessandro Santoro Galvanin, member of the Medical Spine.

Spine Medical Group was created by six orthopedic surgeons, specialists in diseases of the spine, with the goal of providing patients the best care through high quality services and some frequently asked questions that people have in relation to back pain.

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