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 Medicina da Coluna - Notícias.
artes_marciais Martial Arts can help the elderly to deal with Osteoporosis
Studies at USP (University of São Paulo) say that the elderly who practice martial arts avoid injuries in falls.

gestante Protect your back against pregnancy
According to statistics, 70% of pregnant women suffer from back pain. Learn how you can try to avoid them.

baby What are the Children's Deformities?
Learn the most common deformities in children and adolescents.
sedentarismo Sedentary
The exact causes for back pain are usually unknown, but there are ways of prevention. Now meet 10 simple tips to avoid back pain.
remedio Prevention remains the best medicine
The exact causes for back pain are generally unknown. Learn 10 simple tips to avoid them.
termometro Why having a thermometer at home?
Fever is almost always the first visible symptom of a disease or, for example, an infection like influenza.

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