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Protect your back during pregnancy

According to statistics, 70% of pregnant women suffer from back pain, especially in the last months of pregnancy, when postural changes are most evident.

This pain, known such as back pain, can cause great discomfort and even some motor incapacity, affecting these women´s everyday lives.

The increase in body weight leads into changes in the gravitational center of the woman, it transforms simple actions such as standing, walking or bending over to pick up some object into back pain. Ligament laxity, caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy may also lead to injuries such as muscular strains.

To avoid the pain, here are some tips for pregnant women:

- Take light physical exercises like hydrogymnastics
- Avoid staying too long in the same position
- Wear appropriate clothing that does not squeeze the belly and others that enhance the breasts
- Drink lots of water
- Do not do high-impact exercises
- Return gradually to your exercise routine, one month after delivery


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