Site Mulheres de Opinião
22/09/2010 - |
Much back pain is caused by poor posture
The vast majority of complaints of back pain are related to defects of posture, poor ergonomics at work and in day-to-day.
We cannot blame a single act or habit as the main villains for pain, there is usually a summation of the facts that culminates with the chronic pain or even exacerbation of the crisis.
An obese, sedentary person, smoker, who lacks of ergonomics in the workplace and in daily life activities, for example, is more exposed to be a candidate to have back pain. A person who has a physically active lifestyle, healthy weight, a correct posture at work, has less chance to develop these pains, and if it occurs, will draw more attention from the specialist so he can suggest this person some exams to avoid more serious causes.
Poor posture is the great villain of backache. Often we think we're comfortable, but in fact this feeling does not guarantee that the column is "protected". We must pay attention mainly in the way we sat down and in our posture during the activities that we stay in the same position for too long or repetitive activities. "explains Dr. Jefferson Galves, orthopedic doctor specialized in diseases of the spine and member of Grupo Medicina da Coluna.
Grupo Medicina da Coluna was created by six orthopedic surgeons, specialists in spinal diseases, with the aim of providing patients the best care through high quality services and some frequently asked questions that people have in relation to back pain.
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