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Home > Health Tips


Health and Well-being
According to a research of the American Health Department , two thirds of premature deaths and incapability are caused by inappropriate lifestyles. Through a healthy lifestyle, one can reduce the risk of developing diseases. Here are 10 tips to lead a healthier life:

1.Do not smoke
Smoking is the major contributor to deaths from lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other diseases of high risk. Evidence shows that seconhand somoke causes high rates of respiratory problems. So, if you smoke, do a great favor to yourself and those around you, stop now!

2. Eat well
Avoid fatty foods, preferring fruits and vegetables. Limit your fat consumption to less than 30% of your daily calorie consumption and eat fruits or vegetables often. There are two simple steps that can greatly improve your diet on a day-to-day.

3. Exercise
Exercise does not need to hurt to be good. If done regularly, even so slight – like climbing stairs, walking, dancing or gardening – can do much for your health, energy, mood and personal appearance.

4.Control your weight
Excess weight can strain your heart and your spine, contributing to the development of diabetes and some types of cancer, damage to the hip joints, knees and ankles and put a serious obstacle in your lifestyle. Excess weight can also affect your physical fitness to perform the necessary exercises to keep healthy.

5.Protect your well-being
Manage your stress, treat states of depression and insomnia, and keep good personal relations.

Control the stress
A high degree of stress – or the inability to deal with it may cause accidents and health problems. Learning to set priorities and say no without guilty feelings can help you reduce stress in your life.

Have a restful sleep
Sleep repairs the energy spent during the day. A good amount of sleep per night helps your physical and emotional well-being.

Keep good social relations
When we find ourselves divided between professional and family demands, it´s easy to lose track of friends and relatives. These relationships are essential to our well-being. Work to “be in touch”.

Build a network of relationships
When you feel overwhelmed, or suffering from depression, anxiety or insomnia, it is important to have the support of friends and family. If this is not possible, these conditions should be effectively treated with professional support.

6.Do not abuse alcohol
For may people, have a drink here or there is not harmful. However, an inability to control consumption of alcohol can cause serious health problems, increasing accidents and damage or break relationships. If you think you have a drinking problem, ask for professional help or a support group.

7.Drive safely
Practice defensive driving, always wear your seat belt and let someone else drive if you have been drinking. Never take a ride with someone who is drunk.

8.Make preventive exams
Talk to your doctor about preventive screening to avoid serious health problems in the future. The types of tests to perform depends on your age, gender, and personal history of diseases. Your doctor can recommend the best program for you.

9.Adopt safety standards
Make your home a zone free of accidents by placing medicines, poisons and firearms in enclosed, keeping ladders and tools in proper locations, and teaching children safety rules in relation to the stove, heaters, etc...

10.Practice safe sex
If you´re sexually active, take appropriate care (such as condom use) to protect your health and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases.


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